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  • I gave the talk "Stellar Rotation" for the "Astronomidag" (Astronomy Day) in Aarhus 2014 for a large group of visiting high-school teachers. 

  • During 2013(?) I gave talks in Aarhus and Copenhagen with the title "Stellar Rotation through 400 years" as part of the lecture series "Stars" arranged by Folkeuniversitetet (Peoples University) and Astronomisk Selskab (Astronomic Scociety).

  • As part of the TV program series "IQ" on the danish tv station "TV2 OJ" an episode with the title "Så lang øjet rækker" (as far as the eye goes) was done in 2014, focusing on the Stellar Astrophysics Centre (SAC). In this program I talk about some of the work done in the centre. You can see the program below. 

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